The Caritas in Senta opened a soup-kitchen in 1990, which now has two cooks, a time-worker and a supplier-driver. During the school year the number of daily doses ranges from 450 to 500. From these 250-300 portions eat pupils from three elementary schools, the remaining portions consume adults who are mainly elderly and sick. The 25-30 persons requiring special treatment, who are participants of the Faith and Light projects also eat at the soup-kitchen. Since the beginning volunteers distribute the meal according to their position and their time schedule. Now there are six of such volunteers.


The home-care service – introduced by Caritas of Subotica – was established in early 2008 in Senta municipality. The work officially began on 1 February 2008.

The preparatory activities were coordinated by representatives of Senta municipality, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Caritas of Linz, Caritas of Subotica, Senta Health Centre and Social Work Centre.

The Austrian Development Agency and the Linz Caritas provided the salary 8 employee for two and a half years. Senta municipality provided a suitable headquarters near the town center and to this day it pays all the costs of the office. Caritas of Senta is using Caritas of Subotica home-care methods.

The service was launched with four employees who looked after fifty-user. On 1 of July 2008, another four personnel were employed, who cared for additional fifty needy. Thanks the initial project the service office got the necessary equipment, while the staff were equipped by bicycles. slickers, blood pressure gauges, medical consumables, and mobile phones. Thanks to a donor from Belgium, the service received a car as well. By that aid the employees could access the villages and boonies in the surrounding of Senta. Two and a half years later, on 30 June 2010, half of the funding of the service was taken over by Senta municipality. Until the end of the year the necessary funds were provided partly from the town budget, partly from the amount won on a tender of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour. In 2011, Senta significantly increased funding for the service, and with the increased financial support it could operate smoothly throughout the year. Since then, the service is operating by the support of Senta municipality and of Caritas of Linz.

It is worth to mention, that beside the employed nurses, two or three volunteers regularly visit patients. They are talking with patients, procure medicine or anything else which is needed, carry the lunch, etc.


The elderly and lonely day care is operating 2008 continuously. Four people are employed there, who are looking after approx. 120. This number is changing constantly. Daily 35-40 people use the day-care services. Some people only come on the events. Conversation, newspaper reading, needlework, common prayer, biblical reflections are also possible. Several times people join the preparatory work of the soup-kitchen. A volunteer come in a predefined time to make simply hair dresses. The measurement of blood pressure, blood glucose, drug purchasing, shopping carried out by the supplier-driver are regular. Every month we celebrate the birthdays and name-days together and at the same time. Every first Friday comes a priest, confession and Holy Communion is possible within the framework of the Communion Liturgy of the Word . Sometimes balls, excursions or Caritas holidays are also organized with the participation of the elderly.


We are constantly dividing clothes, shoes, especially children things. We are keeping track of all the needy newborns, especially among the Roma. We also mediate between donors and needy baby carriages, furniture and home appliances.

We are continuously lending invalid chairs, pens, crutches, hospital beds for the needy.

From October to April, with the support of the Nuremberg “Gute Nachricht” relief organization bread and milk are provided for families with children. The quantity depends on the number of children.

For the necessary purchase of expensive drugs for people in need we are looking for donators.

By the support of the Belgium-based Association of European women’s support and support from Austria made 2011 possible the construction of the kitchen, the store-house for clothes and the garages.

There is a voluntary initiative of children who prepare ornaments and are selling them on Sundays before Christmas and Easter in front of the church ornaments. In the day care center the elderly will also help in the needlework. The money rose used to support the poorest children. They purchased the children shoes, food packages for Easter, school supplies for children needing special treatment, etc.

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