Donation for Caritas soup kitchen in Senta

Caritas Soup Kitchen in Senta during 2016 will be the place where 500 regular users can get secure meals, thanks to the traditional New Year donation by the company “Japan Tobacco International” (“JTI”) through the humanitarian organization “Caritas”.

Jozef Nadj, president of “Caritas” who cares about the work of the Caritas Soup Kitchen in Senta, received a donation from Makoto Ochiai, director of “JTI” factory in Senta.

“JTI” cooperating with “Caritas” and Caritas Soup Kitchen in Senta for nine years, and this festive tradition is part of our long-term plans – said Makoto Ochiai, director of “JTI” factory in Senta.

The company is realizing this philanthropic activity every year in December, when there is a largest need for it at the Caritas Soup Kitchen in Senta due to reduced supply of seasonal jobs and a greater number of citizens, for whom this is the only way to feed their families. The donation coming from” JTI” in the last nine years, is making a significant contribution to 500 users of Caritas Soup Kitchens to have a safe meal every day.


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